Last revision date: 06.05.2024
Technical support:

1. Quick start


Due to constant development of software and enhancing its capabilities, the web server interface may differ from the interface described in the current document.


Elecard CodecWorks is a professional software solution for encoding/transcoding, real-time multiplexing into MPEG-2/AVC/HEVC with up to 16K resolution supporting multiscreen encoding and HLS/MPEG-DASH adapting streaming technologies. CodecWorks operates on the base of a wide range of hardware.



Run Elecard CodecWorks Setup and follow instructions.


Run the installer:
~sudo apt install ./Elecard-CodecWorks*.deb


Run the installer:
~sudo yum install Elecard-CodecWorks*.rpm


After installation, you can manage CodecWorks in different ways:

  1. Web interface

  2. Graphical interface (GUI, the Elecard CodecWorks Manager application)

  3. RestApi

  4. Console application

Web Interface

In the web interface, you can create a new task by clicking the Create_task_button button.

Add a source and select a required protocol, set the parameters and click Apply_button

After this, CodecWorks will receive a selected transport stream and will split it into elementary streams.

In the Transform tab, select an action that has to be performed from the pre-prepared templates.

When the action is selected, go to an Output tab and set required fields. If needed, change a schema name and save changes.

When a task is created, it will appear in the list of inactive tasks. To make it active, click the Start_button button.


Web interface is available for all network interfaces on the 8088 port. For example:

Graphic interface


Run the Elecard CodecWorks Manager application using Start menu or from the C:\Program Files\Elecard\Elecard CodecWorks\cwManager.exe folder.


Run Elecard CodecWorks Manager

In the CodecWorks Manager, click the right mouse button and select Create schema.

In the Source settings tab, select a source and set its parameters. Parameters may differ for different source types. Required parameters are colored with red.

If source parameters are correctly specified, the Input tab will display the list of elementary streams, video, and audio. For each of the selected streams, select a transformation section (transcoding profile), for video and audio different profiles should be used.

When clicking F5, the list of elementary streams will be updated.

In the Output tab, select a streaming protocol for each stream and specify required parameters.

Click the Save button to save changes and set a task name. A task will be saved in the selected console. To run encoding, click the right mouse button and select the Start button.


RestAPI is described in the separate document. Contact the Technical support to request a document.

Console application


Open the application in the Elecard CodecWorks Manager console: C:\Program Files\Elecard\Elecard CodecWorks\cwManagerConsole.exe.


Run Elecard CodecWorks Manager Console
To get information about available commands, run:
cwManagerConsole.exe --help commands
./  --help commands

Using the console application, you can partially automate the management of encoding tasks, for example, save commands to a .bat file to start/stop encoding or change some parameters in tasks.